by Mike A.

Saturday, February 16, 2013
Science Was Fun
We were “Radar Men,” pioneering stealth technology
Bob Taron and I came from the antenna lab to Skunk Works around 1960
to design the radome for the proposed F-12. We didn’t work on that project, but
we but participated in a myriad of designs and the manufacture of antennae,
radomes and materials related to stealth technology during the following 30
years. It was a privilege and a humbling experience to daily work with the
likes of Kelly Johnson, Ben Rich, Luthor MacDonald, Ed Lovick, Mel George,
Merlin Reedy, Eugene Giachino, Duane Halpape and many others in pioneering
stealth technology. Ed Lovick's book, Radar
Man, speaks to many of our research efforts and should make many realize
that "science is fun."