Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Heading in the “Right” Direction

I went from studying radio and television to working in aerospace
by Robert F.

When I first joined Lockheed, I had wanted to be in radio since I had gone to school for radio and television. However, the only opening at the company was for a riveter, and I took the job when it was offered. After a while, I was promoted to installing harnesses on various aircraft. Then, I worked in mock-up and check-out. When a position in programming became available, I transferred to that department and remained there until I retired in 1981. I enjoyed programming. It was tough, but I understood it because of my studies in radio and television.

I’ll never forget when my co-worker, A. S. Czarnecki, Department 1917, and I, Department 1947, had the pleasure working on the CP-140 Aurora program. On that aircraft, all harness came from load center to the tail. It was a difficult job, but our team was pleased with our job well done. We saved both time and money!

I want to thank Lockheed for giving me a great life. I married a wonderful woman and had two children, so all went well in my life. I met many people at work, and I will never forget them. I want to thank all my supervisors, they were very nice. When people ask me where I worked, I am very proud to say I worked at Lockheed Martin. It truly was the best place to work!

The CP-140 Aurora