Thursday, May 30, 2013

Before Pearl Harbor

We found my father’s original badge and an uncashed check
by Susan Ross McN.

From the early to the present-day Lockheed Martin, the company has been a part of our family. Walter, my father, started working for the Glenn L. Martin Company in 1940, and the company employed him until he retired in 1982. After his death, we discovered his original Martin "star" badge and an uncashed payroll check for ten cents. We donated these items, as well as some other Martin memorabilia, to the Glenn L. Martin Maryland Aviation Museum in Baltimore..

Following my graduation from Kenwood High School in 1955, I was employed in the nuclear division and later in the presentations department. My husband, James, started working for the company in 1956 in the nuclear division. His employment continued on and off, until his retirement in 1994. We are both proud to be associated with Lockheed Martin.

We donated my father's "star" badge to the museum.