Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lockheed Was the Lynchpin

For our family, it all started there
by Elaine Ann H.

I joined Lockheed in Burbank in 1961. I met my husband to be, fell in love and married while working there. I remember when the SST was built, and privacy of Skunks Works and the Lockheed pilot who broke the sound barrier. Awesome!

Unbeknownst to me, my future mother-in-law had worked for Lockheed in Burbank during World War II. We always referred to her as “Rosie the Riveter” after the real “Rosie” because she did many of the same things! My future husband sold newspapers outside the Lockheed gates as an eight-year-old boy. He always brags that he learned to make change because of Lockheed Martin. The kids today don't know how to make change. They rely on the machine they are operating.

I enjoyed working in the engineering personnel department. I have such fond memories of my years there. I still cherish my friendships with two of the employees with whom I worked. Those are friendships that have grown over the last 51 years. I feel so fortunate to have them in my life. When I left Lockheed in 1976, we moved to Bend, Oregon, to raise our three children in a smaller community. They are all grown and have kids of their own now. It all started at Lockheed!